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Dart like Kotlin does not have checked Exception.

In Kotlin only objects derived from Throwable can be throwed. Dart can throw any object, but it is recommended to always use Exception, Error and their subclasses.

Dart Exception class contains ony a message, while Error has a message and a stack trace. In Kotlin the base exception class Throwable has both a message and a stack trace.

in Dart like in Kotlin throwing and exception is an expression, and can be placed anywhere where an expression can be placed.

class Exception1:Throwable()
class Exception2:Throwable()
class Exception3:Throwable()

//when an exception occurs in a try-block, the exception type is checked
//against each handler and the first one that matches is executed.
//the finally block is executed always, both if an exception occurred or not.
//There may be zero or more catch blocks, and the finally block may be omitted.
// However, at least one catch or finally block is required.
try {
    throw Exception3()
} catch (e1:Exception1) { //handler for Exception1
    println("Exception1 catched")
} catch (e2:Exception2) {  //handler for Exception2
    println("Exception2 catched")
} catch (e2:Exception3) {  //handler for Exception3
    println("Exception3 catched")    
} catch(e: Throwable) { //handler for all Throwable objects
    println("${e::class} catched")
    throw e //propagate the exception further
} finally {
    println("in finally block")

class Exception1 extends Error {}
class Exception2 extends Error {}
class Exception3 extends Error {}

try {
    throw Exception3();
} on Exception1 catch (e1,s1) { //handler for Exception1
    //[catch (e1) can be omitted] s1 is the stack trace
    print("Exception1 catched");
} on Exception2 catch (e2) {  //handler for Exception2
    //[catch (e2) can be omitted]
    print("Exception2 catched");
} on Exception3  {  //handler for Exception3
    print("Exception3 catched");
} catch(e) { //handler for all Throwable objects
    print("${e.runtimeType} catched");
    rethrow; //propagate the exception further
} finally {
    print("in finally block");
for more information on Dart exception handling see library-tour