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Simple functions

//standard syntax for function definition
fun addTwo(cur:Int):Int {
  return cur+2

println(addTwo(0)) //2

//omitting function return type is not allowed unless it is Unit
fun addArgs(arg1:Int,arg2:Int):Int {
  return arg1+arg2 //return Int

println(addArgs(1,2))  // 3

//if a function don't return a value, the type of the return value is Unit
fun returnUnit() {


println(returnUnit()) //Unit

//syntax for function that contains just an expression (no need to return type)
fun isEvent(number:Int) = number%2==0

println(isEvent(2)) //true
//standard syntax for function definition
int addTwo(int cur) {
  return cur+2;

print(addTwo(0)); //2

//omitting function return type and/or argument types is allowed
// although not recommended for public APIs
// if types are not specified they are consider of type "dynamic"
addArgs(arg1,arg2) {
  return arg1+arg2;

print(addArgs("1","2")); //"12"
print(addArgs(1,2));  // 3

//All functions return a value. If no return value is specified
// the statement return null; is implicitly appended to the function body.
int? returnNull() {


print(returnNull()); //null

//syntax for function that contains just an expression
bool isEvent(int number) => number%2==0;

print(isEvent(2)); //true
function default return value is null

in Dart default return value is null . In Kotlin default return value is Unit

it is possible to omit parameters types and/or return value

in Dart function parameters with no specified type are considered dynamic, and return type if not specified is considered dynamic. In Kotlin parameter types must be specified, and also return value unless using the fun function(<params>) = <calculation> syntax

Lambda functions

//lambda functions and functions as objects
val loudify = {msg:String -> "!!! ${msg.uppercase()} !!!"}

println(loudify("hello")) // "!!! HELLO !!!"

// lambda functions and functions as objects (with explicit return statement)
// remember that if types of arguments are not specified, they are considered
// of type "dynamic"
val joinArgs = { a:String,b:String,c:String -> a+b+c }

println(joinArgs("a","b","c")) //abc

/// Lexical closures:
/// Returns a function that adds [addBy] to the
/// function's argument.
fun makeAdder(addBy:Int):(Int)->Int {
  return {i:Int -> addBy + i}

var adder=makeAdder(2)
println(adder(2)) //4
//lambda functions and functions as objects
final loudify = (String msg) => '!!! ${msg.toUpperCase()} !!!';

print(loudify("hello")); // "!!! HELLO !!!"

// lambda functions and functions as objects (with explicit return statement)
// remember that if types of arguments are not specified, they are considered
// of type "dynamic"
final joinArgs = (a,b,c) { return a+b+c; };

print(joinArgs("a","b","c")); //abc

/// Lexical closures:
/// Returns a function that adds [addBy] to the
/// function's argument.
Function makeAdder(int addBy) {
  return (int i) => addBy + i;

var adder=makeAdder(2);
print(adder(2)); //4

Named Arguments, Optional Positional Parameters

// - A function can have any number of REQUIRED POSITIONAL parameters.
//   These can be followed either by NAMED parameters or by OPTIONAL 
//   POSITIONAL parameters (but not both).
// - Wrapping parameters in [] marks them as OPTIONAL POSITIONAL.
// - Wrapping parameters in {} marks them as (optional) NAMED parameters:
// - NAMED parameters annotated with "required" become mandatory parameters.
// - If a parameter is optional but can’t be null, provide a default value.
//   use the syntax: <Param> = <Value> to define default values. 
//   Default values must be compile-time constants.
//   If no default value is provided, the default value is null
int addWithNamedParameters(int a, {required int b, int c=0}) {
    var res=a+b+c;
      return res;

int addWithOptionalPositionalParameters(int a, [int b=0, int c=0]) {
    var res=a+b+c;
      return res;

print(addWithNamedParameters(1,b:2,c:3)); //6
print(addWithOptionalPositionalParameters(1)); //1
//actually in Kotlin any parameter can be a named parameter
fun addWithNamedParameters(a:Int, b:Int, c:Int=0):Int {
    var res=a+b+c
    return res

fun addWithOptionalPositionalParameters(a:Int, b:Int=0, c:Int=0):Int {
    var res=a+b+c
    return res

println(addWithNamedParameters(1,b=2,c=3)) //6
println(addWithOptionalPositionalParameters(1)) //1