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Class Hierarchies


interface IShapeWithArea {
  fun area():Double { return 0.0 } //default method implementation (optional)

interface IShapeWithPerimeter {
  fun perimeter():Double { return 0.0 }

//in Kotlin we must specify this interface explicitly
interface IRectangle {
    var w:Double
    var h:Double

class Rectangle(override var w:Double,override var h:Double)
 : IShapeWithArea,IShapeWithPerimeter,IRectangle 
  override fun area()= w*h
  override fun perimeter()=2*w+2*h

class Square(var side:Double) : IShapeWithArea,IShapeWithPerimeter,IRectangle
  //from IShapeWithArea
  override fun area() = side*side
  //from IShapeWithPerimeter
  override fun perimeter() = 4*side
  //from IRectangle
  override var w:Double 
    get() =side 
    set(value) {side=value } 
  //from IRectangle
  override var h:Double 
    get() =side 
    set(value) {side=value }     
// Every class in Dart* implicitly defines an interface 
// containing all fields and methods
// of the class and of any interfaces it implements.
class IShapeWithArea {
  double area() { return 0; }

class IShapeWithPerimeter {
  double perimeter() { return 0; }

// when using the "implements" keyword, we specify that we want
// to implement the implicit interface defined
// by the classes IShapeWithArea,IShapeWithPerimeter
class Rectangle implements IShapeWithArea,IShapeWithPerimeter {
  double w,h;
  double area() => w*h;
  double perimeter() => 2*w+2*h;    

class Square implements IShapeWithArea,IShapeWithPerimeter,Rectangle
  double side;
  //from IShapeWithArea
  double area() => side*side; 
  //from IShapeWithPerimeter
  double perimeter() => 4*side; 
  //from Rectangle
  double get w => side;
  set w(double value) { side=value; }
  //from Rectangle
  double get h => side;
  set h(double value) { side=value; }

no interface keyword

In Dart every class implicitly defines an interface containing all fields and methods of the class and of any interfaces it implements.

In Kotlin there are explicit interfaces.

Abstract Classes

class Color(val r:Int,val g:Int, val b:Int)

//abstract classes can contains data fields (unlike interfaces)
abstract class ColoredShape(var fillColor:Color,var borderColor:Color) {
    abstract fun area():Double
    abstract fun perimeter():Double
    fun areaToPerimeterRation():Double = area()/perimeter()

interface IRectangle {
    var w:Double
    var h:Double

class Rectangle(
    override var w:Double,override var h:Double,
    fillColor:Color, borderColor:Color) 
: IRectangle,ColoredShape(fillColor,borderColor) {
  override fun area()= w*h
  override fun perimeter()=2*w+2*h

class Square(var side:Double,
            fillColor:Color, borderColor:Color) 
: IRectangle,ColoredShape(fillColor,borderColor)
  override fun area() = side*side
  override fun perimeter() = 4*side
  override var w:Double 
    get() =side 
    set(value) {side=value } 
  override var h:Double 
    get() =side 
    set(value) {side=value }     
class Color
  int r,g,b;

abstract class ColoredShape 
  Color fillColor,borderColor;
  double area(); //method with no implementation: abstract
  double perimeter(); //method with no implementation: abstract
  double areaToPerimeterRation() => area()/perimeter();

// use the "extends" keyword to extend another class (abstract or not)
class Rectangle extends ColoredShape {
  double w,h;
  //define in constructor also fields of parent class ColoredShape constructor
  double area() => w*h;
  double perimeter() => 2*w+2*h;    

class Square  extends ColoredShape implements Rectangle
  double side;
  //define in constructor also fields of parent class ColoredShape constructor
  double area() => side*side; 
  double perimeter() => 4*side; 
  double get w => side;
  set w(double value) { side=value; }
  double get h => side;
  set h(double value) { side=value; }

all classes are open, all methods are open

In Dart all classes can be extended (inherited from) not only abstract classes. In Kotlin only open classes can be inherited from, and only open methods can be overridden.


for dynamic types, Dart support special handling of cases where a not existent method is invoked

class A {
  // Unless you override noSuchMethod, using a
  // non-existent member results in a NoSuchMethodError.
  void noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
    print('You tried to use a non-existent member: '